People, food, fashion, pets


…are subjects that frequently feature in my work, so I suppose they are also the things I’m most drawn to when it comes to illustrating.

I embrace illustration as a design, where my real-life references are translated to shapes, lines and textures that I manipulate to interweave and interact. My literal process is to break what I see down into simpler elements, and then piece them back together like one would a jigsaw puzzle. I have special appreciation for analog aesthetics and processes the same way one would prefer reading a printed book. As much as that makes me a sucker for tradition and classics, nothing makes me more excited than soaking in new inspiration and exploring uncharted territory in media and processes.

Brainstorming snapshots from a furniture-painting commission; idea attempts to follow the theatrical, dramatic theme of an interior setup and is inspired by a painting of muses by client’s own relative that hung above the cabinet.

Graphic banner for WashU’s Student Life newspaper encouraging/reminding people to participate in the 2018 senatorial election in the state of Missouri.

Satirical look at WashU’s winter trends, produced digitally for WashU’s Student Life publication.

“Face Facts With Dignity”, illustration from quote; duo-toned Risograph print.

Commission from the Freeman House Museum & Store; artwork seeks to highlight the active community of cyclers regularly traversing the W&OD Trail as a significant characteristic of the Town of Vienna.

Opening animation for fictional narrative zine “Mr. Mac, the Neighborhood Cat”.

Practice portrait of a close friend as part of an early ‘Fooodish’ initiative to conduct interviews and feature the guest stylistically as an illustrated portrait. (*Developed prior to defining designs for ‘Fooodish’ logo.)


So You Think You Know Fried Rice